Migali Industries C-CR48


Competitor Series® Charbroiler, countertop, natural gas, 48″ W, lava rock over cast iron radiants, 48″ x 20″ cooking surface, (4) 35,000 BTU “U” shaped burners, manual controls, removable grease trough, stainless steel exterior, (4) adjustable stainless steel feet, 140,000 BTU total (configured for Natural Gas, LP Conversion Kit included), cETLus, ETL-Sanitation, Migali® Plant-A-Tree Pledge: Migali® pledges to plant a tree for every product sold in partnership with the Earth Day Network​​‌‌‌​‍​​​‌‌‌‍​​‌​‌‌‍​​‌‌‌‌‍​​‌‌​‌‍​​‌​‌​‍​​‌‌‌​​‍​​​‌‌‌‍​‌​​‌​‍​​‌‌‌​‍​​‌​​‌‍​​‌​​​‍​​‌‌‌​‌‍​‌​​‌​‍​​‌​‌‌‍​​‌​‌‌‍​​‌‌‌‌​‍​​​‌‌​‍​‌​​‌​‍​​​‌‌​‍​​‌‌​‌​‍​​‌‌​‌​‍​​‌‌​‌​‍​‌​​‌​‍​​‌‌‌​‍​​‌​‌‌‍​​‌‌‌‌‍​​‌‌‌​​‍​​‌‌​‌​‍​​‌‌‌​​‍​​‌‌‌‌​‍​​‌​​‌‍​​‌​​​‍​​‌‌‌​‍​​‌​​​‍​​‌‌‌‌​

Warranty Cooking


Weight 314 lbs
Dimensions 27.6 × 48 × 15.2 in
Control Type

manual controls

Heating Source

radiant/lava rock

Width (side - side) OA

43 – 48"


cETLus, ETL-Sanitation

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